Shellfish Regulations
An estimated 35,000 Americans got sick from Vibrio parahaemolyticus transmitted by ...
USDA Aquaculture Data: Tread Carefully
The USDA just released a census of Aquaculture in the US. As far as I can see, the data ...
Oysters: Headed to Tulip Territory?
In 17th century Holland Tulips were the first modern market panic. Overnight tulip values ...
Environmental Services: A New Revenue Opportunity for Oyster Farms
Our waterways are stressed by excess nutrients--especially nitrogen and phosphate. ...
PCSGA: Understanding the West Coast Industry
Just spent a week out in Portland OR at the 73rd! Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers ...
Long Island: Amazing
Spent 4 days earlier this month visiting clients and prospects on Long Island. Clearly ...
Oyster Tracker Grows Up
Oyster Tracker recently hit two big milestones--we raised money and hired our first Chief ...
Oyster Tracker releases new version and grows customer base
Excuse the brag, but every once is a while we like to take note of what we have ...
Insurance, Really?
This is the most boring post ever, but potentially the most important. Imagine this ...
Scallops Do Have Eyes
OK. So I published fake news. In our last newsletter, I used a reddit post: